ADSENSE-ONLINE BUSINESS NUMBER ONE FROM GOOGLE is a site popular today, this site is the type of search engines are very reliable and most widely used between Internet users than the entire population of earth. in addition to powerful search engine, Google also provides a somewhat online business pay per click advertising, or better known as Google AdSense.

Google AdSense is the kind of business which is favored by online entrepreneurs from all over the State, since it was first launched, i.e., in 2003 until today, Google AdSense is aged 12 years, i.e., starting from 2003 up to 2012 today. Google AdSense has aged long enough to show that he was very professional in advertising, or perhaps because of AdSense belong with, so that a high level of confidence for online entrepreneurs.

Why it is said a high level of confidence, I think, Google as number one site in search engines and has been operating very long time, I think, impossible he damaged his reputation by lying to its customers. so, with this reason that many people follow business AdSense, so it is said to be the number one business from

What is Google AdSense? He was part of the Google services engaged in advertising, everyone who advertises on Google will be handled by him, and to provide services to consumers, Google needs a partner who will help him in advertising. Ok, this is our opportunity to join in helping Google advertise on condition should have a website or blog. But first we must follow rules set by Google itself as a condition to be accepted as a partner in the advertising

As the Online Business Number One, Google AdSense will pay us professionally, if your blog or website that we use in cooperation, working in accordance with the conditions stipulated by Google. about the number of payments we will receive, depending on the number of visitors coming to your blog or website and clicking on ads from Google, that we put on the blog or website. For payments to partners, Google will pay by check are sent to our address, with a minimum payment is $ 100. Imagine if we have a blog or a website that many visitors and to click the ads from Google. Suppose the number of visitors per day in 1000, and who do click ad 500 visitors. Assumptions, with the count 1-click = $ 1, then we will get $ 500 per day. For that let us join as a partner from Google AdSense.

It is a little explanation, a personal version of the Adsense, Online Business Number One From Google, will need the riticism and suggestions for the completeness of this article. For those of you who have experience in the world of online business please take a little time to add a little article on the comments ... thank you


Said to be difficult because it requires expertise in executing it, such as how to create a blog or a website, how to promote your blog or website, how to bring visitors to your blog or web, and much more you need to do to get money from the Internet or online.

Online business is a business that is easy because the implementation does not require a large power likes any other business, or even the implementation does not like people who are working, sitting at the computer or laptop connected to the Internet, while examining the development of online business you do, look like person was relaxing, drinking or eating your favorite snack. Online business is fun, without pressure from the boss or bosses, because we as workers as well as a boss.

Now you can answer yourself, weather its online business is a very difficult business? Or business that is very easy? But I think! You would think online business is a very difficult business, namely for those of you who are beginners in cyberspace or the internet. And think online business is a business that is very easy and enjoyable for those of you who have skills such as those mentioned above...

I am sure, for those who are new to online business will be increasingly interested in pursuing an online business, because, in carrying out more effective, it takes only a computer or laptop connected to the Internet, in contrast with offline business, can be done at a certain time and place, let alone your worked as an employee. Therefore, we must learn the online business from people who are already proficient in online business... yeah, to start an online business and trying to find information about online business, but confusing to learn and ask to whom?, As a first step to starting an online business , you can visit Google search engine and enter keywords related to online business, for example, the definition of an online business is, I believe, describing the Google will you answer the question, or you can directly ask the experts online business, which of course they will set a tariff on the science they have, even some free it.

It is a little explanation, a personal version of the online business is a very difficult business or businesses that are very easy, will need the criticism and suggestions for the completeness of this article. For those of you who have experience in the world of online business please take a little time to add a little article on the comments ... thank you


For someone who is new in the world of online business, then to start it is a confusing thing, why? Because we will begin a new job, and we will be faced with a lot of information, which is concerned about online business. Can be proven by entering keywords in various search engines, with words related to online business or online business, then you will find billions of terms or definitions online business.

And how effective way? I think what you are doing first before actually starting this business is to understand the online business itself, namely by looking for tau in various media, having learned that an online business how? The types of online businesses are like? So the first step that needs to be done in starting an online business is to determine the type of online business that fits you, taking into account the cost and time that you have.

For the kind of online business, you can read the article types or kinds of online business from this blog. Suppose you are more suited to affiliate or reseller business online, then focus on the business until you truly understand it. I am sure with a focus on one to make your online business faster than trying to get the results one by one online business and you will eventually get bored with no results of the online business work. After determining a suitable option, you collect information relating to the business as well as practiced. Because without practice directly tantamount to a theory without proof, because you prove that an online business that actually produce and pay.

After understand and have practiced one type of online business. Then you can try other online business, after understanding some type of online business, you can combine several types of businesses as well... let's say you already do business with a business affiliation will combine marketing and pay per click, which followed an affiliate marketing business as well as Google AdSense ads on your blog or website, it might be, if you already understand it.

Online business is a promising business, but it requires patience and perseverance and a lot of learning to be able to get results. And for those of you, who can not wait to try, will never reach the destination or will not get results from this business. Accused an online business is business fraud....

Summary article:
How to start an online business
1. Understanding the online business system
2. Choosing an online business matching
3. Studying and practicing online business
4. Be patient and keep trying.

It is a little explanation, a personal version of the how to start an online business, will need the criticism and suggestions for the completeness of this article. For those of you who have experience in the world of online business please take a little time to add a little article on the comments ... thank you


Before performing any work we usually prepare the equipment we will use in the work, for office workers or unskilled laborers. so also in the online business, before starting our work as an online entrepreneur there are some things that need to be prepared to ease our work or that will determines our success in business. Here will be described some preparation in the online business in general when we will start an online business ... notes: the personal version

1. Computers and the internet
Because we will do business online then you need a computer connected to Internet, you can subscribe to or rent. I suggest, to be more serious in this business you need quite a bit of time to learn and practice, so I recommend to subscribe to find somewhere cheap and fast subscription so you can work whenever you want without having to leave the house to find the cafe.
2. Have account email
Any online business you are going to field, you must have an email to sign up, because almost all types of enrollment in the online world with the requirement to have an email. So start making email free email service. For example on,, and many others, each offering its own features and advantages. Because many places that provide services or free email registration, and to the three companies above are the most popular and largest.
3. Have a website or blog
So that your online work optimally, you must have a website or blog that you will use to promote your online business, for the beginner stage can start making free blog like,,, free blogs is a hosting service and a free domain to include domain names which we subscribe in the name of our blog, suppose we will create a blog with alias name onlinesbusinesss at blog we will then automatically be, but if you have more money, better directly buy the domain and hosting are paid, so the name of our blog to be simple and competent without the need to include the name of the hosting places we subscribe to, because we already pay to use the name of the hosting.

It is a little explanation, a personal version of the preparation of an online business, will need the criticism and suggestions for the completeness of this article. For those of you who have experience in the world of online business please take a little time to add a little article on the comments ... thank you Powered by Blogger.